Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Trials and Tribulations of a Physical Activity Epidemiologist

Well - I hope all my friends had an active weekend.  I did, it was a fabulous day of skiing on my new skis. Only one tumble, that I was thankful for my "brain bucket" as the alternative would not have been pretty.

The downfall, our monitors did not record data- what that means is no fun comments on what Megan's heart rate did when I fell, or the comparison of energy expenditure between a novice and experienced skier.

This is why, my friends, why we test, test, test before the launch of a research study.  Sorted out the recording error so it WILL NOT happen with my test subjects.

As we approach Monday, remember that if you do more tomorrow, than you did today, you are moving in the right direction.

For me Monday is yoga - why???    Because, at almost 40, a full day of skiing requires some stretching of sore muscles.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Get Moving!!!!

Today's thoughts-  In order to be successful with a long term exercise program - YOU MUST LIKE THE EXERCISE!.  I know that seems like a no brainer, but you would be amazed at how many people ask me what is the "best" exercise.  The best exercise is the one you will do.  There are hundreds of different exercise modes out there.  Line Dancing, Zumba, Yoga, Mixed Martial Arts, not to mention the old standbys Running and Walking.  If you don't know what you like, then try them all.  

A side bar on "trying an exercise", the first time you try something new, you will feel silly and not be good at it - unless you are a pro athlete.  For the rest of us it takes 3-5 times to try an activity before we actually know if we will like it.  So DO NOT spend money on any exercise equipment until you know you like it, buying a treadmill will not make you like using it!

So TODAY as most of us are digging out from a Midwestern snowstorm, try a new kind of exercise, who knows you may like it.

As for me, the weekend will entail downhill skiing on my new skis and boots, while I strap my guinea pick up to monitors to see what happens to heart rate and activity counts:).  Enjoy!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Physical Activity Epidemiologist (me)

Definition - A researcher who looks at how a population moves (is active) or doesn't move (is inactive) in an effort to rid the world of obesity and the negative health associated with it.  Likes pedometers, accelerometers and good wine, in moderation.

Guinea Pig (Megan)

Definition - a fabulous person who willingly agrees, with out monetary incentive or the threat of violence, to help with research by wearing activity montiors or reading grant proposals that are only exciting to the person writing them.


Ok- I am sure you are all wondering why I am blogging.  It is because this time of year makes me CRAZY.  All the people with fabulous intentions to get healthy, lose weight, start exercising.  Why would that make me nuts, as a Masters Trained Exercise Physiologist with over 10 years of experience helping people do just that, I want everyone to succeed.  What my research background and clinic experience tells me is that most people won't.  I think that SUCKS and want to try to change that.  I would like everyone who has made fabulous New Years Resolutions to convert them to habits by summer.  By next year, I want you to make DIFFERENT resolutions because you will be healthier, fitter, and lighter.  Check back here daily as I offer helpful hints, and practical solutions to help you achieve your fitness related goals.  

(No gimmicks, no fees, only help and support.  You may, however, have to put up with occasional posts on the life and times of a Physical Activity Epidemiologist (me) and her guinea pig (Megan)).